Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Instead Of-


Photographer Unknown

I keep going on and on about leaving facebook or at least cutting down my time there and have I done it? 

I Have not.

I was going to reactivate one of my other wordpress blogs but I already pay alot for the site I use for my writing projects and to get anything else will cost more money. Wordpress is making bank off of me so I decided to head to blogger for my 'instead of Facebook '

So here I am using Blogger as a notebook for stuff- 'instead of' Facebook and if I can manage to write everyday on My Enduring Bones, I can have some fun on this blog instead of wasting time at FB.



  1. I totally get this. The only problem I have with blogspot is that folks can't subscribe for notices when you post (unless that's changed.....)

  2. Blogger doesn't have a subscription option- but I don't rely on that at Wordpress either. I mean I have a ton of subscribers but I doubt that even half of them ever respond. I go through my blogroll and read blogs I like to visit so it's not a really helpful option to me. Also Blogger doesn't have a like button, but again it's not something I rely factor into my blog's health. Because My Enduring Bones is my main blog, I'll probably post links there and at my Facebook page.
